Tour Operator Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development

The Tour Operators' Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development is a voluntary and non-profit initiative, open to all tour operators, regardless of their size and geographical location. The 22 members commit themselves to sustainable development as the core of their business activity and work together through common activities to promote and disseminate methods and practices compatible with sustainable development. The Initiative has been developed by and for tour operators with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Tourism Organisation (WTO/OMT).

Since the launch of the Tour Operators' Initiative in 2000, TOI has been collecting 'good' examples from the individual members of how a tour operator can effectively integrate the principles of sustainability into its various areas of operation. The examples have been collected in a report: "Sustainable Tourism, The Tour Operators' Contribution". They provide an opportunity to understand the range of different options that tour operators can choose from. The report can be downloaded the report via the web site of the Tour Operators’ Initiative. (