You are here: / Introduction / Public participation and ICZM

Major objectives of public participation in the ICZM, are the following:

  • ensuring that popular knowledge and experience is indeed integrated into the planning and management process;
  • guaranteeing for the quality of the solution identified and for its adaptation to a particular condition;
  • adequate planning and problem identification promoting involvement in the actual implementation of decisions;
  • ensuring the needs and priorities of the public in the formulation of management decisions.
    (after Renard 1986)

Key principles of public participation for ICZM initiatives are as follows:

  • programmes should provide adequate opportunity for the active involvement of all stakeholders, direct and indirect, and the wider community;
  • the process should be open and transparent, conducted in a fair and impartial manner on the basis of shared information, data, and knowledge, using all suitable media; some conflict should be expected and managed;
  • wherever possible, stakeholders should participate responsibly in proceedings on behalf of their organisations, working towards collective agreements and actions; good leaders are essential;
  • every effort should be made to win political support and work closely with existing local institutions;
  • suitable mechanisms should be tailored to local circumstances, issues, and the needs of all participants, focused on consensus building;
  • participants should commit themselves to a long term vision for the sustainable coast, recognising their diversity of interests and working together in a process of shared learning;
  • participation should not be focused on problem solving alone, but also at securing opportunities for economic prosperity and conservation compatible with wider sustainable development goals

Coastal reeds in the Eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea (© BFN)

Vessel wrecks in the Russian segment of the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea (© BFN)


Choose what is not the key principles of public participation for ICZM initiatives: 
a) all participants should be focused on consensus building
b) participants should be ready to commit themselves in order to achieve a long term vision for the sustainable coast
c) participants should be focused on recognizing their diversity
d) participants should strive for all possibilities to win political support

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