19. Score-card

Indicating the maximum positive (Green colour) and minimum negative (red colour) effects gives the following score card:
Sector Zero alternative Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4
Mining 0 67 0 450 450
Tourism 0 50 0 0 0
Fisheries 0 150 175 0 0
Agriculture 0 150 254 0 0
Aquaculture 0 201 208 115 115
Waste water treatment 0 150 158 25 25
Tailing treatment 0 32 5 210 210
Judgement parameter
Total income (MUlc) 459 579 561 556 900
Income per head of population (Ulc) 432 545 528 652 607
Number of jobs 227,000 410,000 428,000 325,000 467,000
Employment rate (%) 53.4 96.6 100.8 95.3 78,7
E-coli bacteria 1,486 0 0 1056 1,446
Heavy metal 1,120 0 0 0 2,320
Phosphates 1,330 5,335 6,788 2,330 2,780
Mangrove area 17,760 22,367 22,620 20,590 9,773

This score card, however, does not straightforwardly indicate the best alternative, as there is no single column filled with green (best) scores of judgement parameters. To choose a 'best' alternative, a person has to determine the weight of each criterion. The application of weights, determining scores and the final 'best' alternatives can be supported by computer programs.


[Questions phase 5]